How To Survive The Pandemic as a Business.

Let’s be completely upfront here, there are sadly loads of businesses, and not just small businesses either, that will not and have not survived the pandemic. It’s an extremely unfortunate effect of Covid-19, on top of the obvious emotional and physical toll it has taken on the world. But for what I hope to be the majority of businesses, there is room for not just survival as a business, but growth and recovery. 

Let’s start with the businesses that have thrived, the ones we’re secretly jealous of behind closed doors even though we really need them right now. There’s the toilet paper brands, the online meeting platforms (I’m looking at you Zoom), e-learning platforms, play set manufacturers for all the desperate parents spending money they don’t have to make their kids happy 🙋🏻‍♀️. And plenty more… we’ll dive into those another time.


But what about small to medium sized businesses?

How do you survive in a world that has so drastically changed in such a short period of time?

We’ll tell you how. Let’s be real, these tips will not apply to every business, but if we can even help one business, that will make us happy.

Here’s how businesses can survive:

1. Shift gears.

For some businesses shifting your focus is a real possibility. I’ve helped at least a few of my own clients shift their normal business strategies to accommodate our current life a bit better. Which in reality, is what marketing is all about, except this shift came without warning. This shift can mean prioritizing or even introducing new virtual services and products to your business wherever possible. Make in-person services available virtually, build your online store and sell products digitally and introduce digital meetings. One of the hardest-hit industries, the restaurant and food industry, can even benefit from this tip. We’ve transitioned one restaurant who could no longer make rent every month, keep their legacy alive through an online store.

2. Get creative. 

Do what you do best, just different. While it’s not ideal to have to change your business model, it may be the difference between your business surviving or not this year. I’ve heard some amazing stories of businesses taking their predominantly in-person business, getting creative and reshaping it into something that still holds true to what they do and who they are as a brand, but satisfies the social distancing and health and safety measures put in place. It’s not only about following the new rules and guidelines, but about understanding the concerns of your potential clients.

3. Network, network, network.

Did we say network? Now more than ever, networking is SO important. It is such a great time to build a network or expand on the one you already have so you can help each other’s businesses grow and introduce each other to new potential leads.

4. Up your digital presence.

This 👆, times a million. Is this conveniently what I do? Yes! But this one’s for you. With digital services and products dominating the world right now, it is EXTREMELY important to make sure your online game is solid. What does this mean? Refresh your website from 2009, or even 2019, to make sure it is impactful, interesting and as user friendly as possible. We want to drive traffic and sales your way, not scare potential business away with an outdated site.


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5. Connect with your audience.

Your audience is still out there, despite traffic and sales being low. So take this time to connect with them and stay TOP OF MIND. I always say, people like people, so show the humanity behind your business and try to get to know your audience better, so they think of you the second they need your service.

6. Get smarter.

Take the time to learn and plan for your business now, and post-Covid. Because there has to be a post-Covid coming any day now. Get smarter financially, get more business savvy, research your competitors, stay on top of your game.

7. Prioritize organic search.

SEO is the way to go! Let’s think long term. By investing in your long term growth and prioritizing your search engine optimization (SEO), organic search ranking and local optimization, you’ll get the upper hand in pushing your business above your competitors and set yourself up for success.

Advertising right now is a little unpredictable. With business shut downs every other day, I’m finding that the “normal” expectations of PPC ads for certain industries are out the window. While they can be good for immediate business, for long term growth the way to go is SEO.

see how we do seo →

8. Help others.

What goes around, comes around. Help other businesses, brands and entrepreneurs in need just like yourself. Whether it’s helping them brainstorm and develop strategic ideas for their own business, or coming up with a creative partnership to help each other. In addition to just being a good humanly thing to do, business karma is real!

Times are hard, like super hard. We’d love to help. If you’re interested in a free 10 minute business strategy call or website consultation, hit us up.

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